Monday 4 October 2010

Nkhotakhota n' Nkhotakhtoa

Apologies, its been a wee while since I posted anything - mainly due to t'internet connection issues in the office, but also down to laziness on my part.

Last weekend I visited Lake Malawi for the first time and stayed in a beachside lodge near Nkhotakhota.  It was a beautiful spot - more like a tropical beach than a lake.  Unfortunately my photos cannot be extracted from my Mac so you'll have to trust me - it was amazing.

As luck would have it my first visit to one of our branch office that following week was to.. you guessed it Nkhotakhota.  We were introduced to a group of women who have been utlising MLF loans and treated to a traditional Malawian welcome, and then were forced to stay in the same stunning beachside location again - shame!

This weekend myself and Paolo (see pictures) conquered the local 'mountain' and were treated to some stunning views.